Ćao svima. Danas ću vam pisati o stvarima koje sam potrošila i onima koje nisam potrošila, ali ih bacam iz razloga što mi ne odgovaraju ili im je prošao rok upotrebe. Pa da počnemo.
Hello everyone. Today I am going to write about stuff I used up and those I didn't, but I am throwing them out because they don't agree with my skin, or their expiration date is long gone. So lets start.
Prvo počinjemo sa tonikom za lice. Jedan od tonika koji koristim je Avonov Clearskin Blackhead Clearing, tonik za lice protiv mitisera. Kada mi je potrebno da uklonim neku bubuljicu ili mitisere koristim ovaj tonik jer je izuzetno jak. Salicilna kiselina koju sadrzi je izuzetno jaka, tako da zna da zapeče oči čak i kada stavite tonik na vrh nosa. Sve u svemu, to je jedan izuzetno dobar tonik ukoliko imate problema sa aknama ili mitiserima.
First we will start with the face lotion. One of lotions I use is Avon Clearskin Blackhead Clearing. When I need to get rid of a zit or blackheads I use this lotion because it is extremely strong. It has Salicylic Acid which is really strong, so it can burn your eyes even when you put it on the point of your nose. All in all, it is really good lotion for someone who has problems with zits or blackheads.
Preparat za kosu koji rado koristim je Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment. Proizvođač kaže da je to lekovito ulje idealno za sve tipove kose, a naročito za suve i oštećene krajeve. Ne slažem se sa tim da je za sve tipove kose. Moj savet je da devojke sa masnom kosom zaobiđu ovo ulje jer dosta masti. Lepog je mirisa, kao i svi njihovi proizvodi i dobro neguje kosu, ali je potrebno da ga koristite dugo da bi imalo neki efekat. Postoji u različitim pakovanjima, a ja sam uzela u bočici od 30ml, koja košta 990,00 dinara i može se kupiti u Alexandar Cosmetics prodavnicama.
Hair product that I love to use is Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment. Manufacturer says that it is healing oil ideal for all hair types, particularly for dry and damaged ends. I don't agree with the statement that it is for all hair types. My advice is that girls with greasy hair shouldn't use this oil because it is greasy. It has a really nice smell like all of their products and it has a nice effect on hair, but you need to use it longer period of time so it can have an effect. It comes in different sizes and I bought a bottle of 30ml and it costs 990,00 RSD and it can be bought in Alexandar Cosmetics.
Nedavno sam istrošila i dezodorans, koji sam odmah zamenila istim. U pitanju je Garnier Neo dezodorans u spreju. Ovo je jedan od najboljih dezodoransa koji sam do sad probala. Pored svog specifičnog izgleda ima čak 5 različitih mirisa tako da svako može izabrati onaj koji mu odgovara. Još jedna prednost je to što je bez alkohola pa samim tim ne peckaju prilikom nanošenja. Moj omiljeni je narandzaste boje, pod nazivom Fresh Blossom koji ima nežan cvetni miris.
Recently I used up my deodorant, which I immediately replaced with the same one. It is Garnier Neo Deodorant in spray. This is one of the best deodorants I ever tried. Besides its distinctive look it has 5 different scents so everyone can choose what they like. Another advantage is that it's alcohol free so it doesn't burn when you put it on. My favorite is the orange one, with the name Fresh Blossom.
Pošto sam se ugojila prošle zime, ovo leto sam morala da uzmem neku kremu za celulit da bih bar imala osećaj da sam mršavija. U te svrhe uzela sam Eveline Slim Extreme 4D Gold Serum. To je krema protiv celulita koja eliminiše celulit, smanjuje masno tkivo i oblikuje siluetu i ima efekat hlađenja. Od svega navedenog primetila sam samo taj efekat hlađenja. S obzirom da je preporučeno koristiti je dva puta dnevno, a prvi rezulati bi trebali da se vide nakon 3-4 nedelje, jedna tuba nije dovoljna. Nemam pozitivno mišljenje o ovoj kremi zato što ništa zapravo ne radi. Pretpostavljam da su im ostale kreme bolje od ove, a ako smatrate da grešim javite se u komentaru, da ne kupim još jednu koja ne deluje.
I gained a few pounds last winter, this summer I had to buy something for cellulite so I could calm myself. For this purpose I took Eveline Slim Extreme 4D Gold Serum. It is a anti-cellulite cream that eliminates cellulite, reduces fat and shapes the silhouette and also has a cooling effect. From all of this I only noticed the cooling effect. Since it is recommended to use two times a day and the first results should be seen after 3-4 weeks, one tube is not sufficient. I don't have a positive opinion about this cream because it doesn't do anything. I suppose their other creams are better, but if you think I'm wrong let me know so I don't buy something that doesn't work.
Svi znamo koliko je teško održavati mekoću peta. Stalno stojimo i šetamo i samim tim koža na stopalima postaje grublja i suvlja, a takva stopala nije lepo videti. Zbog toga sam kupila Avon Foot Works Beautiful Comforting Overnight Massage Cream. Miris joj je fantastičan. Tekstura je lagana, tako da kada se nanese na stopala nema osećaja maske, već neke laganije kreme. Stopala postaju izuzetno nežna nakon nanošenja, ali... Naravno, uvek postoji ALI! Kada sam prestala sa korišćenjem ove kreme pete su počele da mi se perutaju i postale su mnogo grublje nego ranije. Naravno, nisam je uspela istrošiti do kraja, jer čim sam primetila kako isušuje odmah sam odustala od korišćenja. Mislim da Avon ima mnogo kvalitetnije kreme za stopala od ove i da bi ovu kremu trebali zaobići.
We all know how difficult it is to maintain the softness of heels. We are always on our feet and therefore skin on them becomes rougher and thicker and this is not nice to see. That's why I bought Avon Foot Works Beautiful Comforting Overnight Massage Cream. The smell of it is fantastic. The texture is light, so that when applied to the foot it doesn't feel like a mask, more like some lighter moisturizer. Feet became extremely soft after application, but... Of course, there is always a BUT! When I stopped using this cream heels became much rougher than before. Of course, I haven't been able to apply it to the end because as soon as I noticed how it drys out I immediately gave up. I think that Avon has much better creams for feet of this and that this cream should be avoided.
Sada da pređemo na šminku. Počećemo sa bazama za šminku. U kanti su se našli Aura Prime ME! i Maybelline New Baby Skin. To su dva povoljnija prajmera za lice i sa oba sam zadovoljna. Aurin prajmer je na bazi vode, nežan je na koži i brzo upija. Šminka se lako nanosi nakon ove baze i potrebno je jako malo vremena da ga koža upije. S obzirom na teksturu smatram da je za sve tipove kože. Što se tiče Maybelline baze, ja imam dobro mišljenje, ali sam primetila po ostalim recenzijama i komentarima da nekima i ne odgovara. To je prajmer na bazi silikona, koji ostavlja kožu neverovatno nežnu. Nije za masnu kožu zato što ostavlja malo masniji trag na licu, ali se to dešava ukoliko se nanese više nego što je potrebno. Jako mi se sviđa to što prekriva sve nesavršenosti. Meni čak i podočnjake zna malčice da umanji. U svakom slučaju bih vam preporučila da probate oba.
Now we are moving on to the makeup. Let's start with the base for makeup. Aura Prime ME! and Maybelline New Baby Skin both ended up in the trash. These are two affordable primers for the face and I'm happy with both of them. Aura's primer is water-based, gentle on the skin and is quickly absorbed. Makeup is easily applied after this base and it takes very little time for skin to absorb. Due to the texture I think it is for all skin types. As for Maybelline base, I have a good opinion, but I notices on other reviews and comments some people don't like it. This is a silicone-based primer, which leaves the skin incredibly tender. It isn't for oily skin because it leaves little richer mark on the face, but it happens if applied more then necessary. I love that it covers all imperfections. For me it even reduces dark circles under eyes sometimes. In any case I would recommend that you try both.
Od rumenila sam odlučila da bacim one koje inače nikada ne koristim. Prvi je NYX Stick Blush u nijansi SB02 - Pink Lotus. U pitanju je rumenilo u stiku, koje se nanese na obraze i onda ublenda u podlogu. Ja to sa ovim proizvodom nikako nisam uspela izvesti jer se jako teško blenduje. Jako je sjajno tako da lice bude puno šljokica i pošto je jako pigmentovano ostaje jedna velika roza linija na licu koja ne može da se ublaži. Drugi je Aura Blusher pod brojem 855. Jedna od nijansi, svetlija, mi je savršeno odgovarala i nju sam u potpunosti istrošila, dok mi druga ne odgovara uopšte. Pokušavala sam par puta da je nežnije nanesem, ali je izuzetno pigmentovana. Zadovoljna sam Aurinim rumenilima, imaju lepu teksturu i izuzetno se lako nanose.
From blushes I decided to throe out those which I never use. The first is NYX Stick Blush in shade SB02 - Pink Lotus. It's a stick blush, which is applies to the cheeks and then blend with the base. I never managed to do that because it is very difficult for blending. It is very shiny and pigmented so it leaves one big pink line on the face that can't be eased. The other is Aura Blusher under the number 855. One of the shades, lighter one, perfectly complemented me and I completely wore it out, while the other doesn't suit me at all. I tried it several times to apply it a little gentler, but it is extremely pigmented. I am pleased with Aura's blushes, they have nice texture and are really easy to apply.
Još jedan iskorišten komad Aurine dekorativne kozmetike su veštačke trepavice pod broj 02 - Cat Mystic. Njihove trepavice su mi definitivno favorit i želim da ih isprobam sve, Lako se nanose i prirodnog su izgleda, tako da se mogu nositi svaki dan. Sviđa mi se kod njih što su kvalitetne, tako da se mogu koristiti više puta. Do sad sam probala brojeve 02, 04 i 10 i ne mogu reći koje mi se više sviđaju jer su zaista fenomenalne.
Another used piece of decorative cosmetics are Aura's lashes under the number 02 - Cat Mystic. Their eyelashes are definitely my favorite and I want to try them all. They are easy to apply and are natural looking, so you can wear them every day. I like their quality, so they can be used repeatedly. So far I've tried the numbers 02, 04 and 10 and I can't say which I like more because they are truly amazing.
Morala sam se oprostiti od svoje najdraže četkice, Cala Fan Brush 305. To je manja lepezasta četkica koja je savršena za nanošenje hajlajtera. Moja je nažalost izgubila svoj oblik i postala je previše široka da bi se koristila. Uz nju sam istrošila i Ebelin sprej za dezinfekciju četkica. Jako je lepog mirisa, i dobro čisti četkice, ali se ovaj sprej ne može koristiti samostalno za čišćenje, zbog čega ga neću više kupovati.
I had to say goodbye to my favorite brush, Cala Fan Brush 305. It's a small fan-shaped brush that is perfect for applying highlighter. Unfortunately it has lost its shape and became too broad to be used. With it I used up Ebelin spray, brush cleaner. It has a very nice smell and it is good with cleaning brushes, but this spray can't be used alone to clean, which is why I won't buy it again.
Na kraju dolazim do sprejeva za telo. Leti mi ne prijaju parfemi, jer me počnu gušiti tako da sam celo leto provela koristeći Victoria's Secret parfemisane sprejeve za telo. Dobila sam na poklon dva spreja, ljubičasti - Love Spell i žuti - Coconut Passion. Mirisi su divni. Ljubičasti miriše na cvet višnje i breskvu i jako je osvežavajući miris koji malo rashladi vrele dane, a žuti je kombinacija vanile i kokosa koji me jako podseća na šetnje pored plaže. Ukoliko imate priliku probajte ova dva spreja, nećete pogrešiti.
Finally, I am coming to body mists. In the summer I am not comfortable with perfumes, because they start to choke me so I spent whole summer using Victoria's Secret Body Mists. I received a gift of two sprays, purple - Love Spell and yellow - Coconut Passion. The fragrances are wonderful. Purple one smells like cherry blossom and peach and is very refreshing scent to cool off hot days, and the yellow one is a combination of vanilla and coconut which reminds me of walks along the beach. If you have the opportunity, try these two body mists, you will not go wrong.
Znam da je ovo bio malo duži post nego inače, ali se dosta stvari nakupilo. Potrudiću se da ubuduće pišem kraće postove.
I know this was a little longer post than usually, but I threw out a lot of things. I will try to write shorter posts in the future.
Do sledećeg posta. :*
Until the next post. :*
Hello everyone. Today I am going to write about stuff I used up and those I didn't, but I am throwing them out because they don't agree with my skin, or their expiration date is long gone. So lets start.
Prvo počinjemo sa tonikom za lice. Jedan od tonika koji koristim je Avonov Clearskin Blackhead Clearing, tonik za lice protiv mitisera. Kada mi je potrebno da uklonim neku bubuljicu ili mitisere koristim ovaj tonik jer je izuzetno jak. Salicilna kiselina koju sadrzi je izuzetno jaka, tako da zna da zapeče oči čak i kada stavite tonik na vrh nosa. Sve u svemu, to je jedan izuzetno dobar tonik ukoliko imate problema sa aknama ili mitiserima.
First we will start with the face lotion. One of lotions I use is Avon Clearskin Blackhead Clearing. When I need to get rid of a zit or blackheads I use this lotion because it is extremely strong. It has Salicylic Acid which is really strong, so it can burn your eyes even when you put it on the point of your nose. All in all, it is really good lotion for someone who has problems with zits or blackheads.
Preparat za kosu koji rado koristim je Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment. Proizvođač kaže da je to lekovito ulje idealno za sve tipove kose, a naročito za suve i oštećene krajeve. Ne slažem se sa tim da je za sve tipove kose. Moj savet je da devojke sa masnom kosom zaobiđu ovo ulje jer dosta masti. Lepog je mirisa, kao i svi njihovi proizvodi i dobro neguje kosu, ali je potrebno da ga koristite dugo da bi imalo neki efekat. Postoji u različitim pakovanjima, a ja sam uzela u bočici od 30ml, koja košta 990,00 dinara i može se kupiti u Alexandar Cosmetics prodavnicama.
Hair product that I love to use is Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment. Manufacturer says that it is healing oil ideal for all hair types, particularly for dry and damaged ends. I don't agree with the statement that it is for all hair types. My advice is that girls with greasy hair shouldn't use this oil because it is greasy. It has a really nice smell like all of their products and it has a nice effect on hair, but you need to use it longer period of time so it can have an effect. It comes in different sizes and I bought a bottle of 30ml and it costs 990,00 RSD and it can be bought in Alexandar Cosmetics.
Nedavno sam istrošila i dezodorans, koji sam odmah zamenila istim. U pitanju je Garnier Neo dezodorans u spreju. Ovo je jedan od najboljih dezodoransa koji sam do sad probala. Pored svog specifičnog izgleda ima čak 5 različitih mirisa tako da svako može izabrati onaj koji mu odgovara. Još jedna prednost je to što je bez alkohola pa samim tim ne peckaju prilikom nanošenja. Moj omiljeni je narandzaste boje, pod nazivom Fresh Blossom koji ima nežan cvetni miris.
Recently I used up my deodorant, which I immediately replaced with the same one. It is Garnier Neo Deodorant in spray. This is one of the best deodorants I ever tried. Besides its distinctive look it has 5 different scents so everyone can choose what they like. Another advantage is that it's alcohol free so it doesn't burn when you put it on. My favorite is the orange one, with the name Fresh Blossom.
Pošto sam se ugojila prošle zime, ovo leto sam morala da uzmem neku kremu za celulit da bih bar imala osećaj da sam mršavija. U te svrhe uzela sam Eveline Slim Extreme 4D Gold Serum. To je krema protiv celulita koja eliminiše celulit, smanjuje masno tkivo i oblikuje siluetu i ima efekat hlađenja. Od svega navedenog primetila sam samo taj efekat hlađenja. S obzirom da je preporučeno koristiti je dva puta dnevno, a prvi rezulati bi trebali da se vide nakon 3-4 nedelje, jedna tuba nije dovoljna. Nemam pozitivno mišljenje o ovoj kremi zato što ništa zapravo ne radi. Pretpostavljam da su im ostale kreme bolje od ove, a ako smatrate da grešim javite se u komentaru, da ne kupim još jednu koja ne deluje.
I gained a few pounds last winter, this summer I had to buy something for cellulite so I could calm myself. For this purpose I took Eveline Slim Extreme 4D Gold Serum. It is a anti-cellulite cream that eliminates cellulite, reduces fat and shapes the silhouette and also has a cooling effect. From all of this I only noticed the cooling effect. Since it is recommended to use two times a day and the first results should be seen after 3-4 weeks, one tube is not sufficient. I don't have a positive opinion about this cream because it doesn't do anything. I suppose their other creams are better, but if you think I'm wrong let me know so I don't buy something that doesn't work.
Svi znamo koliko je teško održavati mekoću peta. Stalno stojimo i šetamo i samim tim koža na stopalima postaje grublja i suvlja, a takva stopala nije lepo videti. Zbog toga sam kupila Avon Foot Works Beautiful Comforting Overnight Massage Cream. Miris joj je fantastičan. Tekstura je lagana, tako da kada se nanese na stopala nema osećaja maske, već neke laganije kreme. Stopala postaju izuzetno nežna nakon nanošenja, ali... Naravno, uvek postoji ALI! Kada sam prestala sa korišćenjem ove kreme pete su počele da mi se perutaju i postale su mnogo grublje nego ranije. Naravno, nisam je uspela istrošiti do kraja, jer čim sam primetila kako isušuje odmah sam odustala od korišćenja. Mislim da Avon ima mnogo kvalitetnije kreme za stopala od ove i da bi ovu kremu trebali zaobići.
We all know how difficult it is to maintain the softness of heels. We are always on our feet and therefore skin on them becomes rougher and thicker and this is not nice to see. That's why I bought Avon Foot Works Beautiful Comforting Overnight Massage Cream. The smell of it is fantastic. The texture is light, so that when applied to the foot it doesn't feel like a mask, more like some lighter moisturizer. Feet became extremely soft after application, but... Of course, there is always a BUT! When I stopped using this cream heels became much rougher than before. Of course, I haven't been able to apply it to the end because as soon as I noticed how it drys out I immediately gave up. I think that Avon has much better creams for feet of this and that this cream should be avoided.
Sada da pređemo na šminku. Počećemo sa bazama za šminku. U kanti su se našli Aura Prime ME! i Maybelline New Baby Skin. To su dva povoljnija prajmera za lice i sa oba sam zadovoljna. Aurin prajmer je na bazi vode, nežan je na koži i brzo upija. Šminka se lako nanosi nakon ove baze i potrebno je jako malo vremena da ga koža upije. S obzirom na teksturu smatram da je za sve tipove kože. Što se tiče Maybelline baze, ja imam dobro mišljenje, ali sam primetila po ostalim recenzijama i komentarima da nekima i ne odgovara. To je prajmer na bazi silikona, koji ostavlja kožu neverovatno nežnu. Nije za masnu kožu zato što ostavlja malo masniji trag na licu, ali se to dešava ukoliko se nanese više nego što je potrebno. Jako mi se sviđa to što prekriva sve nesavršenosti. Meni čak i podočnjake zna malčice da umanji. U svakom slučaju bih vam preporučila da probate oba.
Now we are moving on to the makeup. Let's start with the base for makeup. Aura Prime ME! and Maybelline New Baby Skin both ended up in the trash. These are two affordable primers for the face and I'm happy with both of them. Aura's primer is water-based, gentle on the skin and is quickly absorbed. Makeup is easily applied after this base and it takes very little time for skin to absorb. Due to the texture I think it is for all skin types. As for Maybelline base, I have a good opinion, but I notices on other reviews and comments some people don't like it. This is a silicone-based primer, which leaves the skin incredibly tender. It isn't for oily skin because it leaves little richer mark on the face, but it happens if applied more then necessary. I love that it covers all imperfections. For me it even reduces dark circles under eyes sometimes. In any case I would recommend that you try both.
Od rumenila sam odlučila da bacim one koje inače nikada ne koristim. Prvi je NYX Stick Blush u nijansi SB02 - Pink Lotus. U pitanju je rumenilo u stiku, koje se nanese na obraze i onda ublenda u podlogu. Ja to sa ovim proizvodom nikako nisam uspela izvesti jer se jako teško blenduje. Jako je sjajno tako da lice bude puno šljokica i pošto je jako pigmentovano ostaje jedna velika roza linija na licu koja ne može da se ublaži. Drugi je Aura Blusher pod brojem 855. Jedna od nijansi, svetlija, mi je savršeno odgovarala i nju sam u potpunosti istrošila, dok mi druga ne odgovara uopšte. Pokušavala sam par puta da je nežnije nanesem, ali je izuzetno pigmentovana. Zadovoljna sam Aurinim rumenilima, imaju lepu teksturu i izuzetno se lako nanose.
From blushes I decided to throe out those which I never use. The first is NYX Stick Blush in shade SB02 - Pink Lotus. It's a stick blush, which is applies to the cheeks and then blend with the base. I never managed to do that because it is very difficult for blending. It is very shiny and pigmented so it leaves one big pink line on the face that can't be eased. The other is Aura Blusher under the number 855. One of the shades, lighter one, perfectly complemented me and I completely wore it out, while the other doesn't suit me at all. I tried it several times to apply it a little gentler, but it is extremely pigmented. I am pleased with Aura's blushes, they have nice texture and are really easy to apply.
Još jedan iskorišten komad Aurine dekorativne kozmetike su veštačke trepavice pod broj 02 - Cat Mystic. Njihove trepavice su mi definitivno favorit i želim da ih isprobam sve, Lako se nanose i prirodnog su izgleda, tako da se mogu nositi svaki dan. Sviđa mi se kod njih što su kvalitetne, tako da se mogu koristiti više puta. Do sad sam probala brojeve 02, 04 i 10 i ne mogu reći koje mi se više sviđaju jer su zaista fenomenalne.
Another used piece of decorative cosmetics are Aura's lashes under the number 02 - Cat Mystic. Their eyelashes are definitely my favorite and I want to try them all. They are easy to apply and are natural looking, so you can wear them every day. I like their quality, so they can be used repeatedly. So far I've tried the numbers 02, 04 and 10 and I can't say which I like more because they are truly amazing.
Morala sam se oprostiti od svoje najdraže četkice, Cala Fan Brush 305. To je manja lepezasta četkica koja je savršena za nanošenje hajlajtera. Moja je nažalost izgubila svoj oblik i postala je previše široka da bi se koristila. Uz nju sam istrošila i Ebelin sprej za dezinfekciju četkica. Jako je lepog mirisa, i dobro čisti četkice, ali se ovaj sprej ne može koristiti samostalno za čišćenje, zbog čega ga neću više kupovati.
I had to say goodbye to my favorite brush, Cala Fan Brush 305. It's a small fan-shaped brush that is perfect for applying highlighter. Unfortunately it has lost its shape and became too broad to be used. With it I used up Ebelin spray, brush cleaner. It has a very nice smell and it is good with cleaning brushes, but this spray can't be used alone to clean, which is why I won't buy it again.
Na kraju dolazim do sprejeva za telo. Leti mi ne prijaju parfemi, jer me počnu gušiti tako da sam celo leto provela koristeći Victoria's Secret parfemisane sprejeve za telo. Dobila sam na poklon dva spreja, ljubičasti - Love Spell i žuti - Coconut Passion. Mirisi su divni. Ljubičasti miriše na cvet višnje i breskvu i jako je osvežavajući miris koji malo rashladi vrele dane, a žuti je kombinacija vanile i kokosa koji me jako podseća na šetnje pored plaže. Ukoliko imate priliku probajte ova dva spreja, nećete pogrešiti.
Finally, I am coming to body mists. In the summer I am not comfortable with perfumes, because they start to choke me so I spent whole summer using Victoria's Secret Body Mists. I received a gift of two sprays, purple - Love Spell and yellow - Coconut Passion. The fragrances are wonderful. Purple one smells like cherry blossom and peach and is very refreshing scent to cool off hot days, and the yellow one is a combination of vanilla and coconut which reminds me of walks along the beach. If you have the opportunity, try these two body mists, you will not go wrong.
Znam da je ovo bio malo duži post nego inače, ali se dosta stvari nakupilo. Potrudiću se da ubuduće pišem kraće postove.
I know this was a little longer post than usually, but I threw out a lot of things. I will try to write shorter posts in the future.
Do sledećeg posta. :*
Until the next post. :*
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