New in #2

Ćao svima. S obzirom da sam dosta stvari kupila u poslednje vreme, odlučila sam da napravim novi new in post. Ne želim da dužim preterano tako da ću odmah početi sa pokazivanjem proizvoda.
     Hello everyone. Since I bought a lot of stuff recently, I  decided to make another new in post. I don't want to drag this along so I will start with showing you what I bought.

Prvo ću krenuti sa kremama za lice. Odlučila sam da isprobam Avonove kreme Anew Vitale Day i Night. Ove kreme su namenjene koži lica 25+. Kupila sam ih kada su bile na popustu i tada je jedna koštala 890,00 dinara. Ako neko ima iskustva sa ovim kremama neka mi se javi da razmenimo utiske.
     First I will start with face creams. I decided to try out Avon Anew Vitale Day and Night creams. They are intended for skin that is older than 25. When I bought them they were on sale and they were 890,00 RSD. If somebody has experience with them contact me so we can exchange impressions.

Pretpostavljam da ste svi videli novi limitiranu kolekciju koju je izbacio DM. Ja sam prosto oduševljena mirisom novih Balea proizvoda. U mojoj korpi su se našli gel za tuširanje sa mirisom šećerne vune, pena za brijanje sa mirisom sladoleda od limuna i krema za ruke sa mirisom šejka od lubenice. Mirisi su jako prijatni i ukoliko volite slatkast miris ovo su pravi proizvodi za vas.
     I assume that you all saw new limited edition that DM has launched. I am just stunned with the smell of these Balea products. In my basket were shower gel with the smell of cotton candy, shaving cream with the smell of lemon ice cream and hand cream with the smell of watermellon shake. Scent is really nice and if you like sweet scent then these are the best products for you.

Nedavno sam uzela i Skizz balzam za usne. To je proizvod koji je napravljen u Srbiji i koji se sastoji od šea putera i nevena. Takođe, Skizz je 100% veganski proizvod. Može se naći u DM-u za 190,00 dinara.
     Recently I bought Skizz Lip Balm. That's a proudct that is made in Serbia and it contains shea butter and calendula: It is also 100% vegan. You can find it in DM for 190,00 RSD.

Sada prelzimo na dekorativu. U potrazi za rumenilom koje mi može stati u torbu i ne zauzimati puno mesta, kupila sam Essence Matt Touch rumenilo. Još ga nisam probala, ali čim to uradim sledi recenzija o rumenilima. Na popustu u DM-u je koštao 290,00 dinara što je smešna cena, zbog koje sam i odlučila da ga uzmem.
     Now we are going to talk about makeup. In search of the blush that would fit in my bag and not take many space, I bought Essence Matt Touch blus. I still haven't tried it,  but when I do there will be a post about blushes. I found it on sale in DM and it was 290,00 RSD which is ridiculous price and that is why I bought it. 

I za kraj dolazi Golden Rose Velvet Matte ruž za usne u nijansi broj 22. Izuzetno lepa braon nijansa, koja se lepo razmazuje i dugo stoji na usnama.
     And at the end there is Golden Rose Velvet Matte lipstick in shade number 22. It's really nice brown shade, which stays for hours.

Nadam se da vam se svideo post. Ukoliko imate neke savete, komentare ili kritike ostavite ih ispod u komentaru.
Ljubim vas. :*
     I hope you liked the post. If you have any suggestions, comments or reviews leave them down in comments.
     Kisses. :*



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